. . . And if you want to be free, be Free. Things I do, and think about.
Friday, December 24, 2010
The pictures below are of: The swimming hole that my family made for me since they know that i really like to swim and it gets so hot here. They mad it in a danbow, a marsh, that has running water going through it if you dig down only like a foot. Next, is me and a cameleon! When i found it, it was bright green, see how much it changed when it was next to me for a while!!! Then Jr. sweeping my yard for me, he asks for "piece work" in exchange for sweeties. Isaac and Jr. cannot touch their tounges to their nose, like myself and my siblings can, actually i haven't found a zambian that can do it yet! But they think it is the best thing ever when i do it! Lastly, Spices from the Spice Souk in Dubai. It was so cool.

Monday, December 20, 2010
If you are tired, but you can't sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep
. . . And you will fall asleep, counting your blesssss-ings! Wow, is there a better movie out there than "White Christmas"?! I just got it sent to me in the mail from my mother and I can't get the songs outta my head! I think I like it so much because it isn't all about Christmas music, which I am pretty indifferent about, unless it is Sufjan Steven's Christmas music. Let me start off by saying happy holidays to all! I hope your "days are merry and bright".
I know that it has been forever since I have written. There is just always so much to do and I cant help bit feeling that writing is such a big commitment. But I think that it more has to do with the fact that the longer I am here the harder I feel it is to put words to what I am feeling and experiencing here, not to mention that constant struggle to have a good internet connection. I just got a bunch of new music from a volunteer that went to the states on vacation, it is so nice to feel like I now know somewhat what is going on in the world of music. Something that I miss.
Since i have written last, I have had the amazing opportunity to go to Dubai to visit my Aunt Mary Jane and Uncle Mike who are living there! I was such an 180 degree change from everything and anything that is Zambia/n! But a great break and so fun to be around family. I am a lucky kid. All is going well in the village and all my family members are doing well! I am starting to get withdrawal when i have to leave them for long periods of time. I have just become so attached to my little Junior! My Bamaayo and Batata keep trying to get me to adopt him, or my sister Julie! and i must say if my circumstances were different i would totally conceder it! So I am starting to conduct a list of things that still shock or surprise me, after a year and a half, I'll be adding to it as i think of things so expect this list to change and grow. Until then, I will leave you with this!
• Babies wearing hats, shirts, pants, underwear, socks, anything really decked out in Rasta colors and marijuana leaves. Never gets any less weird/funny.
• Seeing breast everywhere, and at any time, let me just say I am so pro bra at this point in my life. So pro bra, and thankful for the support.
• The fact that any white person, anywhere, will always wave at me. Do I know you? No? Okay, didn’t think so.
* The amount of salt that is used by just about every person in this country, sadly myself included. I was eating with some Zambian friends yesterday, and they would put a shake of salt on ever bite of chicken that they ate, I haven't gotten that bad, yet.
* How nice and friendly everyone is here, if you don't say "Hi" to everyone you pass, its an insult. I am scared to get back to the States with this habit!
I know that it has been forever since I have written. There is just always so much to do and I cant help bit feeling that writing is such a big commitment. But I think that it more has to do with the fact that the longer I am here the harder I feel it is to put words to what I am feeling and experiencing here, not to mention that constant struggle to have a good internet connection. I just got a bunch of new music from a volunteer that went to the states on vacation, it is so nice to feel like I now know somewhat what is going on in the world of music. Something that I miss.
Since i have written last, I have had the amazing opportunity to go to Dubai to visit my Aunt Mary Jane and Uncle Mike who are living there! I was such an 180 degree change from everything and anything that is Zambia/n! But a great break and so fun to be around family. I am a lucky kid. All is going well in the village and all my family members are doing well! I am starting to get withdrawal when i have to leave them for long periods of time. I have just become so attached to my little Junior! My Bamaayo and Batata keep trying to get me to adopt him, or my sister Julie! and i must say if my circumstances were different i would totally conceder it! So I am starting to conduct a list of things that still shock or surprise me, after a year and a half, I'll be adding to it as i think of things so expect this list to change and grow. Until then, I will leave you with this!
• Babies wearing hats, shirts, pants, underwear, socks, anything really decked out in Rasta colors and marijuana leaves. Never gets any less weird/funny.
• Seeing breast everywhere, and at any time, let me just say I am so pro bra at this point in my life. So pro bra, and thankful for the support.
• The fact that any white person, anywhere, will always wave at me. Do I know you? No? Okay, didn’t think so.
* The amount of salt that is used by just about every person in this country, sadly myself included. I was eating with some Zambian friends yesterday, and they would put a shake of salt on ever bite of chicken that they ate, I haven't gotten that bad, yet.
* How nice and friendly everyone is here, if you don't say "Hi" to everyone you pass, its an insult. I am scared to get back to the States with this habit!
Friday, October 15, 2010
ABC- You went to school to learn gurl, what you never never knew before . . .
I have been babysitting our Provincial house/office this week while our PCVL (Peace Corps Volunteer Leader (Third year extension position of volunteer support, managing of, and site preparation)) is on home leave. This has been such a blessing since i am taking the GRE next weekend and have had this time to study! Also I have had more access to internet, and have had some fun conversations with people through email and what not, i thought i would post some of the questions that people have asked me and the answers, to cover some of the things that i don't tend to think about. Also I will include a packing last I made for a person who came during the previous cold season. THe only additions needed for the hot season are less layers and nov-march, rain gear. enjoy!
I have a Tailor. "YOU HAVE A TAILOR?!?! Whaattt?" Why is it that everyone responds that way to the fact that I have a tailor!? You have to think of Zambia or should I say, where I live in Zambia as an 1880's Wild Wild West-ern town, you can't buy premade clothes only fabric and then make something yourself or pay someone to make it for you! I choose the ladder. I love gettting clothes made!
in the past 6 months here, all these white south africans, Aussies, Chinese, Japanese, etc people have been flooding my area to mine and already its changing and people are being pushed out its sad, and there are no laws for protection or environment.
the fact that the country is progressing everyday and fighting to adapt to the westernized world while still using oxen and hand plowing fields, is just a trip, and for me its like being a part of something that will never be able to be recreated again, and I love and appreciate that.
no water, no electricity, but ionically i live about 300 meters from the governments power lines that run from the bottom of the country to the top. Actually my water source is under them, and I can hear the cancerous crackle of power while scooping up H2O. Ooh africa.
Also its important to remember that in the village people will wear the same thing 3-5days straight, to bed, to work, everywhere! So sometime guilt sets in, for me, when I don’t wear things excessively? Doesn’t make tons of sense but, you’ll get it soon enough, so what I am saying is you don’t have to pack a ton, which is so much easier to say than do! Okay here we go:
• A good pair of running/tennis shoes.
You may not wear there that often, but the times that you will need them they come in great use! Unless you are a runner, than you will wear them often, but they are great for biking again.
• A pair of nice “Lusaka” shoes
You won’t wear these often, they truly are for Lusaka (Maybe I should just have a Lusaka section, but meh, I’ll just do it this way with font change)! Mine I think I have worn only a few times but they are great when you do. However, there is a store called Mr. Price here, and they are kind of like a Forever 21 meets H&M, not the best quality but cute clothes and they have great shoes there!
• Sturdy sandals/Flip Flops
I brought with me a nice pair of Teva flip flop sandals, they broke, and now only wear Eagles, which are Zam made, plastic flip-flops, think Old Navy flip-flops. Once broken in, they are very comfortable and CHEAP like 4 Pin, so less than a dollar (80 cents). This I feel is what everyone wears here, yes some people have the Chaco’s and other hard core sandals, and they do come in great use, however I don’t have them and I have never had a problem.
You will be coming here during the winter, and it gets REALLY cold in the early morning and in the evening/at night. However, it can get pretty warm during the day, even hot sometimes, so layering is going to be your best friend.
• A thin hat, I sleep in mine at night, while wearing a hoody, pants, sock, and two blankets, there is no installation (that's mud bricks for you) and it’s windy.
• Socks of different lengths, some for warmth, others for shoes, how many you bring is up to you, however socks are easy to wash.
• Sports bras! These will be your best friend in the village, obviously bring a few regular bras for when you are not in the village.
• Comfortable underwear. Really no need for thongs.
• Tank tops, especially tank tops with built in bra’s they are easy, and even easier to layer with. I have liked to have the Hanes wife beater’s and I don’t care if they get dirty. But when it comes down to it dark colored things are the best for the village, so pack the most of dark colors. White is impossible to keep white here, consequently I now have about 8 gray Hanes’s tank tops, oh well.
• T-shirts, just your regular everyday shirt, my favorites have been Gap favorite Tee esc. Crew neck, long. And I think I said this in my first email to you, but solid colored things work well for the village and if you ever get and thing made, because ichitange’s have crazy patterns.
• Long sleeve shirts!
• Sweat Shirts and sweaters one of each maybe?
• And one fleece or jacket, doesn’t have to be to thick because you will, most likely, be wearing a tank top, long sleeve shirt, sweater, and your fleece at once, and then stripping as the day goes on.
• Pants! Two pairs of sturdy pants that you can work in should do it. I have four, but they are suppose to last me for the next two years, and if you have a few long dresses you wont need much more. I had this rule while packing, and it worked out well, that unless you can sit Indian style comfortably in pants, you shouldn’t bring them. You just want clothes that you can really move in. I wear yoga pants of full and Capri length here. Also bring some leggings they are great under skirts, or just for hanging out, or when its cold.
• I am a jean junkie. I love jeans and it was so hard for me packing because I wanted to bring them all. Alas I settled on this, it was hard, but it has worked; a pair that I wear at the house and in the boma, and then a nice pair that I bring to Lusaka with me and wear there, because I would care more if they got messed up.
• A few going out shirts, dresses, skirts, or outfits. Won’t happen often but when you do go out you will want to look cute, and kind of go all out after not being able to dress up or anything a while.
DAPP – I don’t know if you like to Thrift, but if you do DAPP is your heaven. Its awesome, they import donated clothes from Europe. You can find some gems! Its worth the hunt. Just a heads up, so you can find anything you want.
• Two toothbrushes
• Toothpaste, your favorite kind, but get one with extra fluoride, we get water from holes, so there is no added fluoride to our water, I can feel my teeth falling apart already (However, on 4/10/10 I went to the dentist . . . NO CAVITIES! Go me!). They sell regular toothpaste here but its not as good, flavor wise too.
* Floss
• Sun Screen.
• A GOOD face sunscreen, the new wrinkles that have formed on my face, sad. So sad. I am aging, the new lines. I cannot even talk about
• Face moisturizer. For the same reason as stated. Also it gets really dry here. . . Soo . . .
• Bring a good lotion or body butter!
• Shampoo and conditioner, you can buy ok stuff here, but its more expensive and, you get such great flash backs whenever you take a sniff of “America”.
• Face wash and whatever else you use in your daily routine
• A razor and extra razor blades, unless you want to go all natural, which I would have to say good for you, I can’t do that.
• Hair ties! Lots! Bobby pins. Head bands, hair can get annoying here.
• Small travel sized bottles, great for when you are at the house, but also when you go on little excursions or camping trips.
• Nail clippers and nail file. I have about four different color nail polishes but more are always welcome! But don’t forget your nail polish remover!
• Wet Wipes! Cottenel Flushable wipes. They are just nice and easy, yes they are wasteful but after a long day of transport of what have you, they can make you feel so much cleaner.
• I have a special toiletries bag that is always packed (Thank you Nancy!), it has wet wipes, lotion, toothpaste, anti-bacterial no water hand wash, my mini bottles of shampoo and conditioner, a plastic poncho. Its just nice to have a little bag that I can just grab when ever I go somewhere with out having to think about it. I also have another one with all my wires, chargers, and my camera.
• Sheets, up to you. I brought sheets from home, personally I love them, they make me happy they don’t come off just by sitting on the bed (fitted sheets are impossible to find), and they are soft.
Now you dear reader are all ready to come and visit me!
Prayers, well wishes, and positive energy sent my way on Sat. 23 of OCT. (Gmt +2) 8:30am would be soo soo very appreciated! As that is when I am taking the dreaded GRE.
I have a Tailor. "YOU HAVE A TAILOR?!?! Whaattt?" Why is it that everyone responds that way to the fact that I have a tailor!? You have to think of Zambia or should I say, where I live in Zambia as an 1880's Wild Wild West-ern town, you can't buy premade clothes only fabric and then make something yourself or pay someone to make it for you! I choose the ladder. I love gettting clothes made!
in the past 6 months here, all these white south africans, Aussies, Chinese, Japanese, etc people have been flooding my area to mine and already its changing and people are being pushed out its sad, and there are no laws for protection or environment.
the fact that the country is progressing everyday and fighting to adapt to the westernized world while still using oxen and hand plowing fields, is just a trip, and for me its like being a part of something that will never be able to be recreated again, and I love and appreciate that.
no water, no electricity, but ionically i live about 300 meters from the governments power lines that run from the bottom of the country to the top. Actually my water source is under them, and I can hear the cancerous crackle of power while scooping up H2O. Ooh africa.
Also its important to remember that in the village people will wear the same thing 3-5days straight, to bed, to work, everywhere! So sometime guilt sets in, for me, when I don’t wear things excessively? Doesn’t make tons of sense but, you’ll get it soon enough, so what I am saying is you don’t have to pack a ton, which is so much easier to say than do! Okay here we go:
• A good pair of running/tennis shoes.
You may not wear there that often, but the times that you will need them they come in great use! Unless you are a runner, than you will wear them often, but they are great for biking again.
• A pair of nice “Lusaka” shoes
You won’t wear these often, they truly are for Lusaka (Maybe I should just have a Lusaka section, but meh, I’ll just do it this way with font change)! Mine I think I have worn only a few times but they are great when you do. However, there is a store called Mr. Price here, and they are kind of like a Forever 21 meets H&M, not the best quality but cute clothes and they have great shoes there!
• Sturdy sandals/Flip Flops
I brought with me a nice pair of Teva flip flop sandals, they broke, and now only wear Eagles, which are Zam made, plastic flip-flops, think Old Navy flip-flops. Once broken in, they are very comfortable and CHEAP like 4 Pin, so less than a dollar (80 cents). This I feel is what everyone wears here, yes some people have the Chaco’s and other hard core sandals, and they do come in great use, however I don’t have them and I have never had a problem.
You will be coming here during the winter, and it gets REALLY cold in the early morning and in the evening/at night. However, it can get pretty warm during the day, even hot sometimes, so layering is going to be your best friend.
• A thin hat, I sleep in mine at night, while wearing a hoody, pants, sock, and two blankets, there is no installation (that's mud bricks for you) and it’s windy.
• Socks of different lengths, some for warmth, others for shoes, how many you bring is up to you, however socks are easy to wash.
• Sports bras! These will be your best friend in the village, obviously bring a few regular bras for when you are not in the village.
• Comfortable underwear. Really no need for thongs.
• Tank tops, especially tank tops with built in bra’s they are easy, and even easier to layer with. I have liked to have the Hanes wife beater’s and I don’t care if they get dirty. But when it comes down to it dark colored things are the best for the village, so pack the most of dark colors. White is impossible to keep white here, consequently I now have about 8 gray Hanes’s tank tops, oh well.
• T-shirts, just your regular everyday shirt, my favorites have been Gap favorite Tee esc. Crew neck, long. And I think I said this in my first email to you, but solid colored things work well for the village and if you ever get and thing made, because ichitange’s have crazy patterns.
• Long sleeve shirts!
• Sweat Shirts and sweaters one of each maybe?
• And one fleece or jacket, doesn’t have to be to thick because you will, most likely, be wearing a tank top, long sleeve shirt, sweater, and your fleece at once, and then stripping as the day goes on.
• Pants! Two pairs of sturdy pants that you can work in should do it. I have four, but they are suppose to last me for the next two years, and if you have a few long dresses you wont need much more. I had this rule while packing, and it worked out well, that unless you can sit Indian style comfortably in pants, you shouldn’t bring them. You just want clothes that you can really move in. I wear yoga pants of full and Capri length here. Also bring some leggings they are great under skirts, or just for hanging out, or when its cold.
• I am a jean junkie. I love jeans and it was so hard for me packing because I wanted to bring them all. Alas I settled on this, it was hard, but it has worked; a pair that I wear at the house and in the boma, and then a nice pair that I bring to Lusaka with me and wear there, because I would care more if they got messed up.
• A few going out shirts, dresses, skirts, or outfits. Won’t happen often but when you do go out you will want to look cute, and kind of go all out after not being able to dress up or anything a while.
DAPP – I don’t know if you like to Thrift, but if you do DAPP is your heaven. Its awesome, they import donated clothes from Europe. You can find some gems! Its worth the hunt. Just a heads up, so you can find anything you want.
• Two toothbrushes
• Toothpaste, your favorite kind, but get one with extra fluoride, we get water from holes, so there is no added fluoride to our water, I can feel my teeth falling apart already (However, on 4/10/10 I went to the dentist . . . NO CAVITIES! Go me!). They sell regular toothpaste here but its not as good, flavor wise too.
* Floss
• Sun Screen.
• A GOOD face sunscreen, the new wrinkles that have formed on my face, sad. So sad. I am aging, the new lines. I cannot even talk about
• Face moisturizer. For the same reason as stated. Also it gets really dry here. . . Soo . . .
• Bring a good lotion or body butter!
• Shampoo and conditioner, you can buy ok stuff here, but its more expensive and, you get such great flash backs whenever you take a sniff of “America”.
• Face wash and whatever else you use in your daily routine
• A razor and extra razor blades, unless you want to go all natural, which I would have to say good for you, I can’t do that.
• Hair ties! Lots! Bobby pins. Head bands, hair can get annoying here.
• Small travel sized bottles, great for when you are at the house, but also when you go on little excursions or camping trips.
• Nail clippers and nail file. I have about four different color nail polishes but more are always welcome! But don’t forget your nail polish remover!
• Wet Wipes! Cottenel Flushable wipes. They are just nice and easy, yes they are wasteful but after a long day of transport of what have you, they can make you feel so much cleaner.
• I have a special toiletries bag that is always packed (Thank you Nancy!), it has wet wipes, lotion, toothpaste, anti-bacterial no water hand wash, my mini bottles of shampoo and conditioner, a plastic poncho. Its just nice to have a little bag that I can just grab when ever I go somewhere with out having to think about it. I also have another one with all my wires, chargers, and my camera.
• Sheets, up to you. I brought sheets from home, personally I love them, they make me happy they don’t come off just by sitting on the bed (fitted sheets are impossible to find), and they are soft.
Now you dear reader are all ready to come and visit me!
Prayers, well wishes, and positive energy sent my way on Sat. 23 of OCT. (Gmt +2) 8:30am would be soo soo very appreciated! As that is when I am taking the dreaded GRE.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
You say goodbye I say hello
So today is my second birthday in Zambia. I have one more to go, I think. See the kids that got into country a year before I did are all leaving today, and by all I mean 9. Out of the 18 left in this intake, half are staying an extra year doing work in different applied areas all over Zambia. Your 3rd year you get a tiny bit more money, modern day amenities, and a more structured job usually with a NGO or government organization. Its funny, the more time that I spend here the less I reach out to the newer kids. People leaving you takes a toll on your well being, its keeps you constantly having to adjust to life here, and frankly life here is hard enough without that. Kind of makes me feel bad though for these new new kids that are swearing in next Friday; finally becoming volunteers, trainees no longer. I found out that two friends that are not COS-ing (Close Of Service (your finished! They did it!)) have left or are leaving this week. Really it’s such a trippy feeling, but people always say that it is harder to be left behind. Maybe it really is.
I have waged war and a personal vendetta against ants, and in the past few weeks I have been poisoning them out of house, home, and hut. I have a cemented floor, which is great, but these little monsters have been eating through that cement and marching all around my house eating everything in sight, smell, or sense. Really I don’t know how they find things and I have been eating drinking and dreaming ants because of this. I wish I was just trying to paint a image in your heads but seriously. I have. I have an empty cup, I pick it up get some drinking water, then moments later I am wondering what that weird feeling in my mouth is, only to be pulling out many, many ants from the sides of my mouth and tongue. I just tell myself its protein, but that doesn’t seem to help me very much its still gross. I set a plate of food down for a moment and I am no longer just fighting my cat from it but the ants too. And let me tell you there is nothing more devastating then putting away some Annie’s Mac and Cheese to the side to finish later; with the lid on the pot and the pot height up on your tallest of two tables, to only find it so infested with ants that you can not possible even eat around them. So finally I bought the poison and moved around all my things and furniture; swept up around the massive amounts of dirt dust and sand that they brought above ground with them and didn’t even dilute the poison as instructed. Just poured it straight down. Man oh man was that a gratifying feeling. Like the winner of a long hard race where you were racing cheaters that were trying to sabotage you! Victorious! We shall see how long this last this time. I just want the feeling of ants always crawling on me and all over me to stop. This is not the first time I have had this problem, and with the heat comes the return of all kinds of bugs. Shall be getting interesting in the bush!
My site visits and being a trainer and programs are almost finished now! I have one more the first week of October that is called, Mid-term Medical Conference. I think the name says it all, and I am now over half way through my service and we are having a conference about it, and while we are there we are going to be poked and prodded to make sure we are still in top health and are teeth are still in our head! I am excited about this, it is like a reunion of my intake, we haven’t all been together since January. I cannot wait to see how people have grown, changed, and what their service has developed into by now, I know that mine has changed and taken turns that I wasn’t expecting! All in all though I must say, “things are just ok this side”. That is Zam-lish for everything thing is great over here! Thank you for all the birthday cards, emails, facebookings, and calls this year. It was a really great birthday. I think 24 will be the year that I have been waiting for in many different ways. Look forward to hear from you all. Mwenda Bwino!
I have waged war and a personal vendetta against ants, and in the past few weeks I have been poisoning them out of house, home, and hut. I have a cemented floor, which is great, but these little monsters have been eating through that cement and marching all around my house eating everything in sight, smell, or sense. Really I don’t know how they find things and I have been eating drinking and dreaming ants because of this. I wish I was just trying to paint a image in your heads but seriously. I have. I have an empty cup, I pick it up get some drinking water, then moments later I am wondering what that weird feeling in my mouth is, only to be pulling out many, many ants from the sides of my mouth and tongue. I just tell myself its protein, but that doesn’t seem to help me very much its still gross. I set a plate of food down for a moment and I am no longer just fighting my cat from it but the ants too. And let me tell you there is nothing more devastating then putting away some Annie’s Mac and Cheese to the side to finish later; with the lid on the pot and the pot height up on your tallest of two tables, to only find it so infested with ants that you can not possible even eat around them. So finally I bought the poison and moved around all my things and furniture; swept up around the massive amounts of dirt dust and sand that they brought above ground with them and didn’t even dilute the poison as instructed. Just poured it straight down. Man oh man was that a gratifying feeling. Like the winner of a long hard race where you were racing cheaters that were trying to sabotage you! Victorious! We shall see how long this last this time. I just want the feeling of ants always crawling on me and all over me to stop. This is not the first time I have had this problem, and with the heat comes the return of all kinds of bugs. Shall be getting interesting in the bush!
My site visits and being a trainer and programs are almost finished now! I have one more the first week of October that is called, Mid-term Medical Conference. I think the name says it all, and I am now over half way through my service and we are having a conference about it, and while we are there we are going to be poked and prodded to make sure we are still in top health and are teeth are still in our head! I am excited about this, it is like a reunion of my intake, we haven’t all been together since January. I cannot wait to see how people have grown, changed, and what their service has developed into by now, I know that mine has changed and taken turns that I wasn’t expecting! All in all though I must say, “things are just ok this side”. That is Zam-lish for everything thing is great over here! Thank you for all the birthday cards, emails, facebookings, and calls this year. It was a really great birthday. I think 24 will be the year that I have been waiting for in many different ways. Look forward to hear from you all. Mwenda Bwino!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Circle of Life
So I am a Tec trainer this week at PST (Pre-Service Training). It is really funny to be back where I started out, but on the other end of things a year later. It’s so nice not to have the stress of learning a language and being tested on it, and the stress of meeting friends is not there. I must say I am enjoying things on this end. Everyone I have met so far has been really outstanding; however I can’t help but want to get back to my village as fast as I can. See I was out the whole month of June, since my mom, dad, and sister, Julie, where here visiting Zambia. My mom, Kay, and I went on a week long trip to Namibia, which was so beautiful and overwhelming for me. It is much more developed than Zambia, and it forced me out of my safety bubble, which Zambia is. I have never felt threatened or in Danger since I have been here, and all or a sudden I am having to be aware of thieves and robbers again. Weird! But on the whole the first leg of the trip with my mom was amazing. Climbing sand dunes that were beautifully sculpted and tall, was a brand new experience and a site unlike anything I have ever seen. We went horse back riding, sand dune ATV-ing, and on a morning cruse boat that allowed us to see and pet seals and pelicans! Also see bottle nosed dolphins! Upon our return to Zambia we met up with the Bobfather and Julie to travel to my site, and stomping grounds in Central Province. After that very eye opening portion of the trip we went up north to Shiwa ngandu a 20th century Victorian manor house in the heart of the bush. It was beautiful and the owners were very hands on and knowledge able. As we left Shiwa, I parted with the fam and drove our rental car back down to Lusaka, it was my first time driving on this trip in a year, and it felt so good, even if it was on the other side of the road. The fam went to Tenna Tenna a safari camp, where if Julie hadn’t already fallen in love with Zambia, it was only heightened. I met up with them when they were done and the 4 of us went to Victoria Falls, which was, gorgeous! We even took a short helicopter ride over the falls to get a different angle. A first for all of us, and nothing that Kay would ever like to do again. This was the end of the trip for Julie and me, Julie going back to the States and me to site for a few days. Bob and Kay on the other hand went to Malawi, they liked it, but I am proud to say, their loyalties were with Zambia! I came back to Lusaka to say goodbye to them on their return. By this time it was July. I was able to do some work during this time, like build and get rabbits for a nutrition and Income Generating Community Activity I am doing, and pass out the surveys I have made for my behavior change workshop.
But now I am out of the village again for over a week, when just over a week ago I hosted a 5 day site visit, with volunteers right off the plane from the States! It was really fun and a great group, but man it was exhausting! I will be hosting the second site visit that they have at the end of the month as well. So needless to say it has been busy and full of responsibility. I am the only person in all of Peace Corps Zambia that is hosting both site visits on top of being a trainer of the week. I hope this means that the Head quarters staff in Lusaka likes me! On this note I must sign off to get some prep done for this afternoon’s sessions on HIV/AIDS in Zambia. I hope to flood my blog this week while I have internet connection, and get everyone as up to date on my life here as possible. Love to you all, and thanks for reading this, even if it is a bit bland!
But now I am out of the village again for over a week, when just over a week ago I hosted a 5 day site visit, with volunteers right off the plane from the States! It was really fun and a great group, but man it was exhausting! I will be hosting the second site visit that they have at the end of the month as well. So needless to say it has been busy and full of responsibility. I am the only person in all of Peace Corps Zambia that is hosting both site visits on top of being a trainer of the week. I hope this means that the Head quarters staff in Lusaka likes me! On this note I must sign off to get some prep done for this afternoon’s sessions on HIV/AIDS in Zambia. I hope to flood my blog this week while I have internet connection, and get everyone as up to date on my life here as possible. Love to you all, and thanks for reading this, even if it is a bit bland!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Jesus, etc.
So I am standing on the street just before dusk, the sun is still sitting pretty; I am looking for a specific cab driver, the only cab driver that goes to where I am headed. I am trying to get into Kabalaka, a small village outside Chalinbana, in Chongwe district (I will get back to why in a bit). A man smelling of stale jilly-jilly sashes, a 4in x 2.5in plastic pouch holding 75ml or almost two ounces of 45% poor cane alcohol. These are given witty names to match their cost of 750 Kwatcha, or about 15 cents per “packet”, like “Double Punch!”, “Officers”, and one of my favorites “Rambo”.
My new friend, tries charming me first by telling me that I am a Mazungu (Ma /zoon/ gue), or a white person, he was really observant. He went on to quickly start revealing to me that I was responsible for killing Jesus Christ. Over and over he kept telling me this, until finally I kindly stated that this was impossible since I was born for the first time, to my knowledge, in 1986. This didn’t satisfy his needs, so then started explaining that all white people are responsible for killing Jesus. This is because there is evidence that the Roman’s were, in fact white, where as it is obvious that Jesus was dark skinned, therefore black. This was a totally new experience for me, never in my life had I experienced a person yelling at me, “You killed Jesus!” over and over while a group of on lookers just laughed. Yes, I had head more then a few times that “Jesus had died for me and my sins”, but never have I been heckled about being the one that killed him! So I guess I am trying to say, is white people bad news, there is another thing our ancestors have done that you have to feel guilty about. My Jewish loves: you are off the hook, at least in Africa, we, yes we, gotcho back!
I guess this blog is called “Jesus, etc.” for a few reasons: I love Wilco. I love this song. I had a recent Jesus story; and this is going to be a random entry that moves all over the place. It has also allowed me to once again think about that “Higher Being” “God” a few times over the past month.
Elishabe was the little girl that I wrote about a little over a year ago; I also posted a naked picture of this little cutie somewhere below! Last Friday morning (17 July) I found out that she died. She had fallen into the family’s water hole. This is not a well, its just a meter wide hole in the ground, about 2 meters deep that is being fed by a natural underground spring or brook. This is so sad for me; this was the baby that I had fallen in love with, whilst falling in love with Zambia, the first baby I had carried on my back with a chitange, the first baby that really peed on me, she helped me become excepted into my home stay family.
In other words. I have been here a year now, and I haven’t lost anyone that I was close to in Zambia, I have been lucky. But this experience has given me a different perspective on things and life. The Mulolo family, is a responsible, loving, and generous family, the fact that Shabe (shay ba) drowned is not the family’s fault it was a total fluke. I went down to visit the family after I heard, and I was never embraced so warmly. Yes, I did bring gifts with me, but the way in which we remembered little Shabe, and supported each other was wonderful and has enriched my experience here no matter how hard it was.
My new friend, tries charming me first by telling me that I am a Mazungu (Ma /zoon/ gue), or a white person, he was really observant. He went on to quickly start revealing to me that I was responsible for killing Jesus Christ. Over and over he kept telling me this, until finally I kindly stated that this was impossible since I was born for the first time, to my knowledge, in 1986. This didn’t satisfy his needs, so then started explaining that all white people are responsible for killing Jesus. This is because there is evidence that the Roman’s were, in fact white, where as it is obvious that Jesus was dark skinned, therefore black. This was a totally new experience for me, never in my life had I experienced a person yelling at me, “You killed Jesus!” over and over while a group of on lookers just laughed. Yes, I had head more then a few times that “Jesus had died for me and my sins”, but never have I been heckled about being the one that killed him! So I guess I am trying to say, is white people bad news, there is another thing our ancestors have done that you have to feel guilty about. My Jewish loves: you are off the hook, at least in Africa, we, yes we, gotcho back!
I guess this blog is called “Jesus, etc.” for a few reasons: I love Wilco. I love this song. I had a recent Jesus story; and this is going to be a random entry that moves all over the place. It has also allowed me to once again think about that “Higher Being” “God” a few times over the past month.
Elishabe was the little girl that I wrote about a little over a year ago; I also posted a naked picture of this little cutie somewhere below! Last Friday morning (17 July) I found out that she died. She had fallen into the family’s water hole. This is not a well, its just a meter wide hole in the ground, about 2 meters deep that is being fed by a natural underground spring or brook. This is so sad for me; this was the baby that I had fallen in love with, whilst falling in love with Zambia, the first baby I had carried on my back with a chitange, the first baby that really peed on me, she helped me become excepted into my home stay family.
In other words. I have been here a year now, and I haven’t lost anyone that I was close to in Zambia, I have been lucky. But this experience has given me a different perspective on things and life. The Mulolo family, is a responsible, loving, and generous family, the fact that Shabe (shay ba) drowned is not the family’s fault it was a total fluke. I went down to visit the family after I heard, and I was never embraced so warmly. Yes, I did bring gifts with me, but the way in which we remembered little Shabe, and supported each other was wonderful and has enriched my experience here no matter how hard it was.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Together Again
The title of this post may just be my favorite song to do at Karaoke, just throwing that out there.
So the long awaited and sweet reunion between mother and child has accred. It was glorious. The longest span on time i have ever gone without seeing kay has now come to a close. But i really cannot believe how fast the 11 months have passed. It has been such an incredible year. the past few days have been fun catching up and sharing Lusaka with her, it's not the craziest city in the world but it has some charm and good places to eat. Today we are leaving for a week long trip to Namibia, where we will be traveling to the capital, Windhoek, then to the sand mountains, and to the ocean, ahh seeing the ocean will be good for my soul i believe. Don't worry i will be taking pictures and posting them as soon as i can!
The past few months have been really busy with workshops, activities, new comers, and of course work within my village. I have gone to a PEPFAR HIV/AIDS week long workshop which was really great, and it is always nice to see that the US governments money is going to good use! Then the Behaviour change work shop followed shortly after. It was incredible and more than i could even have wanted it to be! The bahaviour i have chosen is to prevent adolescent pregnancy within school aged girls, which is truly a problem in the village due to cultural norms, lack of anything better to do, and the lack of a voice that most young girls have. For example since the new school year started in January three 6th graders have been taken out of school because their parents have had them get married. Now to be fair, you can be anywhere from 10-16 in 6th grade, however, i don't think that changes the fact that the education level will not become any better, and that these girls are stripped from their childhoods in many ways. So through statistical surveying and analysis (thank you Dr. Schlichting! You have no idea how excited i was to get back to looking at data! so much so, that i wish i were joking) and dividing groups of girls into Doers and non-doers, i will, with my counterpart, Mrs. Bukole, be able to look at our target groups. We will also be starting girls empowerment clubs in 3 different schools. I am hoping to set up a slew of activities and presenters. so in other words i will be busy for a long time with this project, not to mention the other projects i have going on. My NHC, Neighborhood Heath Committee, wants to build an Women's Ward, attachment onto our clinic, when that happens, i have requested that we have a youth room or area, where kids can come in, ask questions, get contraceptives, and as we say in Zambia, "Be Free". When the NHC is done with their grant work, i may need some help from you all reading this with a few small donations, but i will get into that later.
I am enjoying life, and my visitor! The Bobfather and Julie will be getting into Lusaka a week from tomorrow and i am very very excited. It's nice that Bobby, my brother, didn't make it on this trip for the soul reason that i know i have another visitor coming sometime in the future! and on that note, before this gets too long, i am going to sign off, and will you all well!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So a few things first, like the bigger news. I will be starting a new project soon which i am really excited about. it is a pilot project Peace Corps is doing on behavior change, they are testing it/starting with my intake, but only the Health volunteers that meet the criteria. While applying you must pick you topic of research, mine is gender! you know how i love equality and feminism! Well we will be having a workshop in May, my proposal was picked, and i will get to start making survay's and collecting data! I couldn't believe i would get this excited about these things but after many great semesters, with wonderful professors, (THANKS Dr. White & Dr. Schlicting!) I get to do what i love and majored in! I can tell you that there will be much more to come on this! Also a HUGE package came right before i left for Easter holiday from the 3rd graders at Elm Elementary School! They made glitter pens as fundraiser to buy kids at my basic school supplies and recess equipment! They wrote letters and I know that this is the start to a great international friendship! Thank you so much for all your hard work Mrs. Douglas!
Now for the bad news; I have had a great loss, in a moment of feministic euphoria, i decided to cut off the rest of my hair. I was hoping for a white Rihanna, what I got was Peter Pan. Feeling a bit silly. Oh well hair grows. Just got to get back to my village now where there are no mirrors, so i won't be haunted anymore.
I have been out of my village for what feels like forever, due to visitors at my site, a weekend trip to some near by waterfalls, (See picture above different views, as well as an action shot walking down the mountain to the falls) and my Easter holiday in Gaborone Botswana. All of which have been more that amazing and fun. I am going to steal an excerpt from my travel buddies blog, i feel he wrote it well and it will save me a bit of time, seeing that it is very early in the morning and i have to leave to get a Peace Corp ride back up to site soon! I hope all is well with everyone! Loves, Eliz
"strolled to the main bus station downtown at around 6 and waited for a mini bus to load up to the hitching point towards livingstone, about an hour and a half later. 30 minutes after getting off the bus, got a lift from some South Africans we thought were heading to Livingstone, but found out later at our first pit stop that they were bound for South Africa via Gaborone. Score.
They were awesome and while being in a covered truck bed is never ideal, it was fast and friendly. We stopped in Livingstone at Victoria Falls and went in to the park and saw the massive flow of the Zambezi and the falls, which are nearly at their peak, as the rainy season is winding up. So we did that pretty quick with the Father and Son we were traveling with (the third person was The Father’s sister and is a Zambian resident). From there it was a quick shoot to the border where we took a ferry accross the Zambezi. Kazungula is a cool place because it’s where the Chobe River and Zambezi meet, as well as being a shared border for Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Namibia.
Botswana’s landscape was just amazing, and to my surprise, a lot different than Zambia’s—and especially drastically different than my provence in Zambia. Much flatter, more arid, shorter grasses, scarcer ‘towns’ and, most importantly, way more wildlife. On the way down we saw elephants, girraffees (sp?), zebra-but which might have been something else since they were farther off, baboons. Amazing to think we stopped maybe 40 yards away from an elephant that probably could have manhandled us if it wanted to.
Wound up getting in to Gaborone around 5a the following day and getting to the lodge early. Passed out until lunch time and just hung out. Spent the 3 day weekend in Gaborone and it was nice. It’s a much more developed place from a western standpoint-primarily from their diamond mines and cattle success, but this isn’t that type of post.
Did a lot in Gaborone and enjoyed it thoroughly- hiked Kgale Hill, went on a game drive (spotted hyenas, wharthogs, impala, kudu, wildebeast), checked out the damn and consequently crashed a Greek Orthodox Easter party, ate plenty of amazingly good beef and got my fill of drinks. All in all it was a well spent long weekend in a city I never knew existed and really deserves the title of “Africa For Begginers”-there are similarities of course with life in Zambia, but it’s amazing how westernized and modern it seemed—more cars, nicer cars, a lot of development, great infrastructure.
Monday we left Gaborone and decided to try to make it to the border and had even more crazy fun with that trip. Long, complicated story short: a guy went roughly 400km out of his way to hang out with us and drop us at the border and we wound up staying at the Chobe Safari Lodge at the border for the government rate and there’s a chance it was the nicest place I’ve ever been in my entire life. Amazing kudu stew for dinner with pap (botswana’s version of Zambia’s staple nshima—now I can say I had their best) and some other goodies. Huge 2 room chalet and awesome breakfast buffet this morning before we hit the road and wound up where the start of this entry takes place."
Saturday, March 13, 2010
A day in the life
WARNING: This post is, for the most part, fragmented sentences, and i digress quite often. I hope that it does not drive to many people crazy.
The generosity, support, and thoughtfulness that people have shown me since my arrival to Zambia has astounded me, and has brought me to tears more times than my pride will let me admit or count. So this Entry is a very big thanks you. THANK YOU, thank you, a million times thank you! Just seeing that the number count of people who have looked at the blog, who cares really if you submit yourself to my ramblings, has gone up by one, means a great deal to me.
On my not so hot days, I am forced to ask myself what is it that I am running from, why am here putting off life!? On the days where I am laughing at nothing and loving the beauty that encompasses me here, I ask how is it that I am so lucky, living here, living life (this is the strong majority of time, however my mother has pointed out to me that she thinks that I don’t talk about the struggle enough, and even thought she knows what I’m doing is a cake walk . . . I thought I would put in here that I have bad days where I think I am bonkers). As I completed my 7th month of 27 and I am finding what is important or intellectual in my life is changing (45 minute in-depth conversations on the best techniques on gathering and keeping your water supply filled. The feeling of deep fulfillment that comes from baking bread successfully on top of coals, in a frying pan. Sharing food and meals, becoming much more than the surface of those words; but really sitting down next to someone that has never tasted what you are about to give them and watch the experience shape and effect them. More bodily function questions, observations, and sharing than I ever thought I would be comfortable with. What is justice and why is it so hard to find? What is equality? Are our (peace corps volunteers) ego’s and statistical minds able to except the little change that we will be able to see by the time we leave. What is sustainable?) I am changing. Growing. In what direction I could not tell you. And it scares me. But such is life and growing up. By the way does it bother anyone else that in that new(?) Black Eyed Peas song they just throw around the old and beautiful Hebrew words mazel tov and laheim!? I think it bugs me because I don’t think Furggie knows what Hebrew is, but I digress, who am I to judge the lyrical genius of “Furgil-ishious”?!
So onto the topic of what I have been meaning to write about since I opened my computer tonight: “A Day in the life” (I just realized that I should have been naming my posts after songs a way, way long time ago) of ELO! Be warned that each day is different and none of this is truly everyday, but alas it’s the best I can do without you being here with me. Fly’s thought. Man. You never get used to the flys. They be every where! I feel like I’m in a save the children commercial sometimes!
Anyway a typical day for me starts for the most part by waking up and writing me “morning pages” so three pages of just stream of conscience writing, mostly about what happened the day before, what I dreamed about, and what I want to accomplish that day. During this time one of my 4 younger brothers will come by and whisper, that they want to play with the cat. And when I say whisper I mean shout. The cat stays inside. Next I fill my brazier (you can see it in the pictures bellow it’s a small circle that I fill with car coal locally man somewhere near by, not really a good thing) and get “fire” from my family. I make sure that the coals catch put a pot of water on for some kind of caffeinated drink, then either do some yoga or an 8 minute meditation. I get dress and get myself organized, if it is a clinic/”town” day I will gather my things up, but if its not I either go get water, start laundry, begin to make bread, of grab my book. Sadly this is where my day is going to have to end because the is where the consistency end. If its not a school/clinic/town day, I may go to my boma, work in my garden, read, bake, write letters, write, whatever to pass along the time. I really enjoy the challenge of cooking and baking over a temperamental brazier. So if there are any questions about this please let me know, I am sure I am leaving some things out but do not underestimate how long the simplest of tasks take here. Laundry is a whole day thing, and battling the rains make it even harder. On that note I will end this extra long blog post sorry about that! Hope to hear from you soon and thank you once again for all of the support!
And remember, "And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love . . . you make".
Pieces of Me
People tell me that i have a really nice chimbusu, also known as an out house. Those are my pants hanging to dry, i tend to wait to do laundry until i really have too! woops.

These are the some pictures of the before and after of my perma-garden, what i had to dig up and such, back breaking work, also my cat eating a kill under my bed. a 7 in lizard with a blue head and tail! and the some some my house my toilet and my bathing shelter! woo. welcome to zambia!

These are the some pictures of the before and after of my perma-garden, what i had to dig up and such, back breaking work, also my cat eating a kill under my bed. a 7 in lizard with a blue head and tail! and the some some my house my toilet and my bathing shelter! woo. welcome to zambia!

Sunday, February 28, 2010
hey there
I tried my hardest to prepare for all of the different elements and challenges that I assumed I would face while being a Peace Corps Volunteer; and to be perfectly honest, and not so humble, so far I have to say I have done a damn good job. However, this past week I experienced something that I did not prepare so well for, and that was the departure of friends, both those which are unexpected, as well as those that are planned. Tomorrow, marks the arrival of the “new” intake, a group of agriculture and education volunteers. If you are thinking, “Hey, I thought, Elizabeth/Eliz/Otter/who is this person and why am I reading their blog, was a health volunteer”?! That is very astute of you, because I am, which opens me up to explaining: There are two intakes a year at the distance of 7mo/5mo apart. This is when I become a Peace Corps “Sophomore”, and if you are going to look at Peace Corps in the same way as high school/university ‘years’ this means that a group is graduating. Ahh, right when you get comfortable with new people, a new family so to speak, they be leavin’ on yo ass! Not cool. And, yes, sad.
However, I cannot leave out that many volunteers have countdowns towards new intakes for the fresh meat (sorry for the vulgar term), it can be lonely out here, you know most all the volunteers in country, and if there’s no love connection to be seen, maybe there is a person in the newest intake that is your SOUL MATE, or just someone you connect with. I must say that having a person to share and help you through the bumps in your service, whether a best friend or a significant other (I have been lucky enough to have/enjoy the latter) makes bad days better, and good days amazing and unforgettable. It’s a second opinion, a deep breath. Maybe it’s because the dude I am dating is from my own intake, but I find this countdown a bit insensitive! Inevitably it means that someone is going to be counting down to the day I leave someday, in hopes of someone better, or more available. Sorry, glass half empty , its true there were those that counted down my own intake. There, glass half full; But just another trial of the PCV.
Although I didn’t miss the Super Bowl, next year I am thinking I may, anything that starts at 1am, and no fun commercials, may keep me in bed next year! But great game right!? Anyway the point of this all is that I am bummed that I am missing all the glorious Winter Olympic events! Thinking back on how much fun I had my freshman year of college watching the Olympics’, shouting at the TV screen with Jenny, Kayla, Maggie and others (I don’t think any of us have gotten over the figure skating that year) makes me sad that I am missing out entirely.
Enough of this downer post! Tomorrow 18/2/10) we are getting 40-some new volunteers that will be able to help, change, and grow with Zambia (really this country is something else, if you have any want to come here, do! Tickets may be pricey, but it’s cheap, cheap once you get here! I mean where else is it still ok to hitch-hike EVERYWHERE you go?
However, I cannot leave out that many volunteers have countdowns towards new intakes for the fresh meat (sorry for the vulgar term), it can be lonely out here, you know most all the volunteers in country, and if there’s no love connection to be seen, maybe there is a person in the newest intake that is your SOUL MATE, or just someone you connect with. I must say that having a person to share and help you through the bumps in your service, whether a best friend or a significant other (I have been lucky enough to have/enjoy the latter) makes bad days better, and good days amazing and unforgettable. It’s a second opinion, a deep breath. Maybe it’s because the dude I am dating is from my own intake, but I find this countdown a bit insensitive! Inevitably it means that someone is going to be counting down to the day I leave someday, in hopes of someone better, or more available. Sorry, glass half empty , its true there were those that counted down my own intake. There, glass half full; But just another trial of the PCV.
Although I didn’t miss the Super Bowl, next year I am thinking I may, anything that starts at 1am, and no fun commercials, may keep me in bed next year! But great game right!? Anyway the point of this all is that I am bummed that I am missing all the glorious Winter Olympic events! Thinking back on how much fun I had my freshman year of college watching the Olympics’, shouting at the TV screen with Jenny, Kayla, Maggie and others (I don’t think any of us have gotten over the figure skating that year) makes me sad that I am missing out entirely.
Enough of this downer post! Tomorrow 18/2/10) we are getting 40-some new volunteers that will be able to help, change, and grow with Zambia (really this country is something else, if you have any want to come here, do! Tickets may be pricey, but it’s cheap, cheap once you get here! I mean where else is it still ok to hitch-hike EVERYWHERE you go?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Back in Lusaka sooner than hoping to be. I had to come back down for the H1N1 vaccine, so not really back to work yet, but get to see friends so that's always nice. But now i know that i wont be getting swine flu, and i also get paid for being here which is alway nice since we get paid quarterly, and that means our next pay check comes march 1st. Anywya, There was a shortage on the shot while we were here for our IST, so that is why we were here for two weeks went back home and then had to come back once again. Doesn't really make sense to anyone but, such is life, and life "working" for the government. Sadly there is nothing really to report because of this, just that I have been doing well and I am really excited to get back to work. And start all the new project that we talked about and worked on during the training. However it is really exciting to be able to go to the grocery store twice and have fresh veg at my site. its the little things, cold coke lights, fruits, veg, hot water that comes out of a tap and not from a hole then put on a fire then wait for it to boil. So this is my life, on a brighter note i have now been able to start the count down to when my mom, dad, and sister are coming. Still 5 months away but hey, we're getting there. Okay time for my shot finally. sorry this was a lame post.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Christmas. And. New Years.
Hey there campers.
Just a quick post to let you know that I am still here and doing well. Currently in Lusaka, for my Peace Corps, In Service Training, also known as IST. It has been really fun and informative, but a little overwhelming. Kind of crazy that you can go from nothing; one brand of sugar, salt, soya, rice; to everything, meaning choices, weird, in a matter of hours on a road. The poverty dived here is crazy, vast, and changes in a matter of km. I mean i have seen at least seven planes in the sky since i have come to Lusaka, and those who know me probably think i am being sarcastic right now, but I'm not. You got from lusaka, which can fool you on how the country is doing, to just 5-10km outside the city in any direction and no long have water or electricity, and watch the 'architecture' go from buildings, to mud huts. Its hard and sad to see, and more than that hard for me to understand. They are currently pumping money into Lusaka, building it up: new hotels, malls, fancy cars and restaurants. But they are not putting money into fixing the horrible roads or not bringing electricity the schools or clinics. Meds at my clinic are kept cold by a battery, in a cooler that was donated to them from Japan and USAID, the battery is rotated with others and charged by a solar panel. Most of the time we don't have many meds in our cooler, so the staff uses it to chill their drinks. Not a bad Idea, if its going to be plugged in might as well be used right? There is a rumor that a company or something is trying to get all of Zambia Wireless on a 3G network, which is laughable seeing that no one has electricity let alone a computer. And in the off chance that people have cell phones, most families, extended families, share one phone, they are models that are pre color screen let alone internet capability. Anyway, just something to think about. I could go on forever but I won't. I am writing to tell you about my trip to Malawi, which was really fun, and a learning experience. Like I now know that i will never travel/vacation with 10 or more people as it happened I did on this trip. Aside from that everything went really smoothly: the weather was beautiful, we got there in one piece, even if it did take us three days hitching, having both 'good' hitches in the back of trucks and canters, to crowded buses holding other peoples babies and sitting in aisles. The place we stayed was beautiful built into the side of a mountain/cliff on the Lake, however the stairs, which were everywhere, were VERY steep and uneven, not safe if one has been drinking, and not lit at night. lets just say it kept things interesting. It was nice to be with friends around the holidays, and in a new area, it was funny though, because although New Year's felt like New Year's, Christmas felt nothing like Christmas. This i believe is because of one of two reasons: 1. it was an average of 103 degrees in an exotic new place that looked, felt, smelled, tasted, and sounded nothing like 'Christmas' to me one little bit. How could I think it was Christmas, if it was nothing like any of my thoughts or feelings of my past 22 Christmas'? 2. Why let my mind go there at all if it was going to be hard. Love denial. I posted pictures on my facebook page of my walk to the road, also friends who were on the malawi trip with me have/are posting picture, so if you are my 'friend' of close with someone that is, check them out. But for your comfort level and especially my own please do not go through ALL of the pictures that are posted of me, I'm not embarrassed of anything that is up there, nor is there anything that is incriminating, but parent/adult figures are just that, and I would rather them not see a few of them. Love and good wishes to all that are reading this. Happy New Year! Love Elizabeth.
Just a quick post to let you know that I am still here and doing well. Currently in Lusaka, for my Peace Corps, In Service Training, also known as IST. It has been really fun and informative, but a little overwhelming. Kind of crazy that you can go from nothing; one brand of sugar, salt, soya, rice; to everything, meaning choices, weird, in a matter of hours on a road. The poverty dived here is crazy, vast, and changes in a matter of km. I mean i have seen at least seven planes in the sky since i have come to Lusaka, and those who know me probably think i am being sarcastic right now, but I'm not. You got from lusaka, which can fool you on how the country is doing, to just 5-10km outside the city in any direction and no long have water or electricity, and watch the 'architecture' go from buildings, to mud huts. Its hard and sad to see, and more than that hard for me to understand. They are currently pumping money into Lusaka, building it up: new hotels, malls, fancy cars and restaurants. But they are not putting money into fixing the horrible roads or not bringing electricity the schools or clinics. Meds at my clinic are kept cold by a battery, in a cooler that was donated to them from Japan and USAID, the battery is rotated with others and charged by a solar panel. Most of the time we don't have many meds in our cooler, so the staff uses it to chill their drinks. Not a bad Idea, if its going to be plugged in might as well be used right? There is a rumor that a company or something is trying to get all of Zambia Wireless on a 3G network, which is laughable seeing that no one has electricity let alone a computer. And in the off chance that people have cell phones, most families, extended families, share one phone, they are models that are pre color screen let alone internet capability. Anyway, just something to think about. I could go on forever but I won't. I am writing to tell you about my trip to Malawi, which was really fun, and a learning experience. Like I now know that i will never travel/vacation with 10 or more people as it happened I did on this trip. Aside from that everything went really smoothly: the weather was beautiful, we got there in one piece, even if it did take us three days hitching, having both 'good' hitches in the back of trucks and canters, to crowded buses holding other peoples babies and sitting in aisles. The place we stayed was beautiful built into the side of a mountain/cliff on the Lake, however the stairs, which were everywhere, were VERY steep and uneven, not safe if one has been drinking, and not lit at night. lets just say it kept things interesting. It was nice to be with friends around the holidays, and in a new area, it was funny though, because although New Year's felt like New Year's, Christmas felt nothing like Christmas. This i believe is because of one of two reasons: 1. it was an average of 103 degrees in an exotic new place that looked, felt, smelled, tasted, and sounded nothing like 'Christmas' to me one little bit. How could I think it was Christmas, if it was nothing like any of my thoughts or feelings of my past 22 Christmas'? 2. Why let my mind go there at all if it was going to be hard. Love denial. I posted pictures on my facebook page of my walk to the road, also friends who were on the malawi trip with me have/are posting picture, so if you are my 'friend' of close with someone that is, check them out. But for your comfort level and especially my own please do not go through ALL of the pictures that are posted of me, I'm not embarrassed of anything that is up there, nor is there anything that is incriminating, but parent/adult figures are just that, and I would rather them not see a few of them. Love and good wishes to all that are reading this. Happy New Year! Love Elizabeth.
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. . . And if you want to be free, be Free. Things I do, and think about.