are these not the cutest kids ever?

- Kittens EVERYWHERE! So cute, and will let me pet them sometimes.
- Classes where teachers are really excited to have a student from the States, the reasons vary: different opinion, perspectives, approach at school work, and even at times as an example (that’s not as fun)/. However any way I look at it, this is really going to help me as a scholar and an intellectual who has an opinion.
- An Olympic size, outdoor, swimming pool!! On campus! It is such a comfort on the days where it is 32 degrees, Celsius, and there is not a cloud in the sky. Nevertheless, as I learned today, it can at times contribute to a jeer, but who is to blame but my dam ancestors who didn’t spend enough time in the sun?
- High dives!
- Finally getting the number to a place that sounds interesting to volunteer at, for youth prevention dealing with, and helping kids who have HIV/AID.
- Not having a car, and being close enough to everything that you can walk. Also for public transportation, that is always really excited you are there. So what if it is a white rumbling van that can fit 8 comfortably, forcing 13 people inside of it? It cost less then 50 cents for a ride, you always get right where you need to go, and it is so easy to believe that you smell really good, and you should know, because your nose is shoved very far into your arm pit to avoid other smells. (Secret Clinical Strength, I am proud to announce is wonderful, and really, really does her job, so fresh, all day. It was a great investment.)
- The US dollar being strong somewhere in the world, and coincidentally in the very place I am live right now!

- Sun burn, along with odd burn (and hopefully someday tan) lines because of sun screen that melts off.
- Not knowing if people are talking about you or not. Yes, this may sound petty, but after a long day when a person maybe tired, and a group of people are starring at this person, while the group is talking ¾ in Setswana and ¼ English. Some people, I may know, can get a little paranoid.
- Bugs. Of all kinds. Everywhere you could imagine. Millipedes, centipedes, mosquito’s, cockroaches (these are not in my room thank It, others I know have not faired so well), moths the size of my hand, and others bugs that look interesting, however I do not know the names.
- Phone calls to anyone but Orange customers = expensive.
- No walking at night alone or in pairs, one of my favorite things to do in order to clear my head. But we were told it was not safe and I promised my mum, I would not play the invincible card.
- The startling statistic that 50% of the University of Botswana campus is infected with HIV/AIDS.
- Lastly, Africans have a very hard time understanding sarcasm. I know maybe I will be forced to change my ways . . . Or maybe I will just make the world a funnier place.
- OH! And I haven’t found any swings yet. But I have faith that I will, and I shall keep everyone posted on this magical necessity.