yep you got it. I have been struggling the last couple of post because there are things that i want to write about but they fall neither into the cheer nor jeer categories, thus starting the new category today entitled "Just Weird". I think that i am going to start with this one first today, and pray that one or both of my parents don't pop up too often from their stay here. . . just joshing ya'll!
Weird . . .
* Group projects, sorry i know this ones kind of lame, but i haven't had a group project since i was in middle school and now i have three, which is just new and i really don't know how i feel about it.
* My program here in Botswana is over and done in less then a month, and i lonely have a week and a half classes left before finals begin! Where did all this time go, and how do you get some of it back!?
* some kids in one of my group projects asking if i knew how to talk like a black person from the US. After i hesitated, one speaking up and just blurting out, "you see we can understand black people from your country better then we can understand you, so if you just talk like you were black for our project on monday i think it will be better for everyone." To be perfectly honest i really didn't know how to respond, or what to say when they continuously asked me to do it, and i still don't. Personally i find this on the weird side because if i were to walk around doing this at home for a presentation well some form of disciplinary action would probably be taken, and i think it is offensive, however . . . who knows, let us just say, i talked how i always do for our presentation, and everyone stared at me as if i had marbles in my mouth. But what else is new.
*Getting extremely board. You would think wow, she is in Africa, how could she ever get board, and i even think that myself sometimes. But with no car, no bike, and some prohibiting restrictions (ie class, and papers that i signed saying i wouldn't do this or that), there are times that i really don't think i have enough to do. But these are the times that everyone prays for when they are super busy, which is oddly how i like to live my life, so i am going to hold on to these feeling an remember them next time i don't think i am going to fit it all in. (PLEASE in no way think that i am not enjoying every min. i am here, Because i totally am, i just sit reading more then i would like to at times, esp when books are kind of hard to come by.
* White Sox baseball! God i hope its a good year and not just a good first few weeks.
* My mom and dad coming and visiting
*gambling with my mom and dad, and making lots of money!!!
* I am Officially going to Thailand, and i am leaving in one month!
* The nights here in Gabs are starting to get cooler . . . so maybe the days will a little.
*Clean laundry! and Clean sheets . . . It just such a task that it is a celebration when ever it is done!
* Everyone i have talked to in Africa, not only supporting Obama, But loving him!
*Seeing every animal i could have ever wanted on Safari with Bob and Kay.
*Bank of America forgetting that i am in Africa until May 3rd for the 4th time, thus not allowing me to take any money out of the ATM. boo
* My cell phone getting lost and having to go through the struggle of getting a new one.
*Cell phones having a 5sec+ delay when talk to people in the states. It makes me not want to talk to any one and it makes me grumpy.
* Missing people, not home sick, i just miss having some people in my life.
*My US roommates not doing there dishes after they eat and now having roaches in my apt. I am not a happy camper.
1 comment:
nice post Elizabeth.
Do they "talk like black people from your country" in Gaborone?
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