1st picture is of my Bamaayo, and my baby sister (10 mo yesterday) out in our yard, Elishaba obviously was getting a bath! She is so cute, and no longer scared of me, which is awesome! 2nd is after dinner the other night. THis is our kitchen. we eat around the wood burning fire. I am always so impressed with the fact that they can cook over it! I think i would just burn everything! 3rd. This is part of the Compound I live at, to the left is the families hut, and behind is part of a field that the farm. To the right is my 'cousin's' hut. I am standing outside of my hut but they all pretty much look the same, some are just smaller than others.
I am going to make my family dinner to night . . . Cheeseburger's and chips and S'Mores for dessert. They have never even heard of hamburgers before, so i am excited and will let you know how it goes!
You made me laugh. I loved seeing your Zambian, 10 month old sister and your mom. I'm anxious to hear how the cheeseburger dinner was received. (Dad was afraid the burgers may be too rich.)
Alex Lee, this is were you come in being the greatest blog responder ever!
What a nice thing to do... I'm interested to learn if your host liked American food.
Thanks for the introduction K :)
Hey Elizabeth!
So I just back got from Hawaii and am really surprised by how many posts are up already. I think you've had more internet access in the last month than I had on the Big Island.
Cheeseburgers, chips, and s'mores, eh? That sounds like quite the feast.
What kinds of crops are grown there (I just left the farm life and had to ask)?
Could you describe the typical meals you eat? Do you like nshima?
How many people are at the compound?
And lastly you mentioned that you got an idea of the kind of the work you'd be doing; could you explain that?
It's great to hear from you and I'm really excited for you, Elizabeth.
Godspeed and love,
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