Thursday, November 5, 2009

Long time no see

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything, life has been moving lightening fast in this slow country, don’t really understand it, but it is how its been going, so I guess I just have to run with it. I am now living in my Village, it is 8/9km out side of the “town” Chalata, where I do most of my work. I help out around the Rural Health Clinic there. I am starting to try my hand at bee keeping, teaching nutrition in the schools, work with a women’s group, and I’m helping start a pre-school with one of the head mean (appointed by the Chief in the area, like a mini governor). He has built a structure, and has a board that is willing to do anything, its really exhilarating to have hard working, excited group of people to work with and will use me to help them! More projects are in the works, but during community entry (the first 3 months in the village) you are not allowed/suppose to start and projects or get involved in any. Once those three months are up, my intake will travel to Lusaka for a week to get more training on the more specifics that we want to work on in our communities. This time is meant for you to meet everyone in you area, introduce yourself to the schools, Head Men, Chief, look for and weigh what your community wants vs its needs. But needless to say it is a busy, overwhelming, and extremely tiring at times. Especially with the whole language difference, in almost every instance I deal with, it makes things interesting. Over all though, I am really happy here and loving it. I feel so much cooler than Sarah Palin (always, But) I can say that I can se the Democratic Republic of Congo from my backyard she only has the joke of seeing Russia and that’s over water, not me!
I cut my hair this week, yes it will grow back, yes I have started growing it back, I started the moment the ponytail hit the floor. Its chin length, it makes me look 12, but I am going to donate the hair to ‘Locks of Love’. A non-profit that makes wigs for cancer patients. There was something therapeutic about doing it. Like all the old shit in my life: stress, worries, pettiness, anxiety is gone; and I’m starting fresh. No split ends, no dryness from a blow dryer, or strengthener, no fake reminisce of highlights (I have gotten my hair highlighted with natural blond streaks twice in my life once in Oct 2007 the other time Jan 2009) now you would never know, cause anything that was left is in that ponytail on my floor. I don’t think Bill (my horrible rat) will try to eat it. It’s a nice change though and so much easier, faster, and uses 100% less water to wash. I can still pull it back out of my face too so that’s good.
I want to take a moment to thank EVERYONE for the birthday wishes, cards, cds, candy, est. It made me feel above and beyond special! My address has changed since I have moved to my village. So things are trickling in that got sent to Lusaka after I moved. However not to worry, everything will still get to me no matter where you sent it, people bring the Lusaka mail up whenever there is business that brings them up the Great North Road. But it is faster for you to send things to my new address, which is:
Miss Elizabeth Otter/ PCV
P.O. Box 480038
Mkushi, Zambia
Mkushi is the BOMA that I live closest too. BOMA is some acronym that the Brits made up when Zambia was still a territory. That signifies a town where organizations, Brit Offices, post office and bank are, now there are also Ministry of _________’s there too (ie education, health, agriculture, fisheries, est.). They kind of remind me of a ghost town though for some reason. I think that’s what they look like to a person before they are explored and you discover the vast treasures to be found there. Last week I found Challah bread!! At some side stall in the market! The Bamaayo (woman) who sold it to me had no idea why I was so excited, just another reason to think I’m weird I suppose. Not as if people really ever needed more reasons. I am pretty sure from here on out I will be writing and updating more from now on, now that I am settled and have all the I’s dotted and t’s crossed that I possibly can at this time. Maybe the internet will be fast enough to upload some pictures some time. We shall see! Thank you all for your interest and support. It means the world to me. Be well, act and lead with your reason, and a bit of

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You left out the part that along with getting your hair cut (which you didn't mention to me yesterday)you cut other's hair. Elizabeth the barber.

Love you,

. . . And if you want to be free, be Free. Things I do, and think about.