Thursday, January 17, 2008

Catch up!

Here is my first e-mail that I basically sent out four different times before I decided to Do the whole blog thing:

The stars in Botswana are amazing, i have never seen so many in my life, i kid you not. Last night i say the milky way, i have never been able to see the milkyway before in the US. I will fill you in all the way, so i will start at the very beginning. I hear its a very good place to start.

the plane ride wasn't that bad at all, that was the part i was most worried about. My closest friend here thus far is a very nice young lady named Sarah, I think you would like her her . . . today we were those people who were running narrators to the lives, actions, and "thoughts" of those we were with. What fun, eh?
It is so beautiful here, and hot, and already I am starting to get lil tan which i know you were really interested in. Last week started our first week of classes . . . . KIND OF, you see no one shows up the first week, not the teachers not the students, no one really, its silly so i go to class everyday sit there for 20 min hoping that someone comes and then i leave. Everyone of my classes is about africa in come way or another and we have started planning the most amazing trips, i just hope that we have enough time for all of them . . . you are so invited to come. . . I have been told by our main instructor and others that over 1/2 of the university population is positive with HIV/AIDS, and i am going to start volunteering soon, with orphans or at a clinic, which for me, is really exciting. Being here is so much more then i was expecting thus far, I mean its not perfect . . . . as you will see, but it is like something i have never seen/experienced thus far.
I found a kitten the other day, and i brought it back to my apartment with me, i named her rain cloud (mura a pula) because her coloring looks like a rain cloud, but she is so sick and skinny, less then a lb prob. I didn't keep her, because she is peeing EVERYWHERE! not cool, not cool at all, esp when you have to wash your clothes by hand.

Okay so maybe i don't HAVE to wash them by hand but i don't know where the laundry room in on campus and i lost my map, and considering the whole third world country, i don't even have Internet in my own apartment, and everywhere is BYOTP (bring your own toilet paper)I have just assumed that the washers and dyers may not be in tip top shape. But i am really happy to be here and i am meeting the coolest people. I think that you would really dig it . . .

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. . . And if you want to be free, be Free. Things I do, and think about.