Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Welcome to Botswana as I know it!

Welcome! After battling with myself for the past two weeks, I have finally made up my mind and I shall be having a blog VS the whole group e-mail thing. This is because one of my biggest fears in life is being boring, thus boring other people, and since I have a tendency to ramble on when I write and have already started to e-mail people back. Seemingly, writing the same e-mail over and over, for these people I am starting a blog, just so they can choose which entries sound a little to similar to what I have already written to them.

I have been wondering what I would write about, and this as well has been plaguing the start of the “blogging”. But what better way to start than by letting you into my smart, witty, free-spirited, wired, and at times immature head, and how I look at everyday life and their simple pleasure in this new place, or the things that I really could live with out. So begins: Cheers! And Jeers (which was once a segment in my high school news paper).


- 9 hours of Sun!!

- The primaries!! and being surrounded by people who know so much about them, and seem to be as excited about this turn in out government and policy to come.

- Pasty skin, on the down fall.

- Going to clubs, and being told, “Eh! White girl, you really know how to dance”! It is something that I have always known, but it feels so nice to be finally recognized, if only they could see my sister and me in action together. However, my amigo here, Sarah, is doing a good enough job.

- No classes the first week of school. A tradition that I did not know about until half way through last week, after sitting in each classroom alone wondering if I had the right room/times. But hey, I am definitely not complaining about it, I have almost finished two books already.

- Reading for FUN again! How I miss that during the semester in the US.

- There is no such thing as American vanity here, it is too hot, and there is something about this humbling experience i love.

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. . . And if you want to be free, be Free. Things I do, and think about.